Introducing God

To have a relationship with someone, you need to get to know them first.

Our Introducing God course is a chance for you to explore who God is and how you can know him, and potentially develop a relationship with him. 

It's a relaxed and friendly environment where no question is off limits, we wrestle with big questions or can sit back and listen to ideas from other people.

We meet together at 7pm on Monday evenings at Village Church's front café. We'll share a delicious dinner and have some time to get to know each other before watching a short video and discussing the ideas raised.

There's a hosts on each table, facilitating discussion and ensuring everyone has an opportunity to contribute!

So if you're interested in coming along to discuss big things, or you have someone you know who you'd like to bring along, use the form below to let us know!

We also have a group that meets same time, same place, but all year round, on Monday evenings. It typically includes people who have finished Introducing God and are continuing to get to know Jesus. We call it 'Knowing Jesus'. 

You're very welcome to come along to this group if you've missed out on joining in with an Introducing God course. You can expect to find a friendly and welcoming community where it's safe to raise any question and explore what Jesus is all about. Simply let us know in the form below and we'll invite you along.

Check out the video above outlining what happens at Introducing God