Village is a church
for everyone.

Join us at Village Church as
we meet Jesus together.

You are welcome at Village Church. Visiting anywhere can be a little daunting. But it helps if you know a bit about what to expect. We are a friendly creative contemporary community who meet Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings (and at other times during the week).

Village Mornings

Village Evenings

Watch Live
9:30am & 6:00pm

Our vision is to Glorify God by seeing Annandale and surrounds growing as disciples of Jesus.

Wanting to find out more about Jesus?

We've got something for all ages!


VillageKIDS seeks to see Kids and Families growing together. Join us as we see Kids learning, growing, and thriving in life. 

Village Youth

Village Youth exists to help parents and teenagers navigate the rollercoaster of adolescence and high school.

Village Community

To have a relationship with someone, you need to get the know them first. Learn more about our community.

Village Church is a contemporary, multi-cultural and multi-generational community of people who follow Jesus.

Giving to Village Church

This is a huge vision. A crazy, insurmountable, impossible vision. The kind of vision that you need God to turn up for if it’s ever going to become a reality! But that’s what puts fire in our bones.