Giving to Village Church

We love Annandale and surrounds, the Inner West and all of Sydney as well.  

But our heart is one that bleeds. Of the 10,000 people living in Annandale and surrounds - let alone the five million people living in Sydney - very few know the love of Jesus and the hope that he offers everyone.  

Village Church came about because we wanted to change that. The vision of our church was never to see a small group of like-minded individuals get together just to share a common interest. It was a big vision- an ‘out there’, ridiculous, bold vision.  

Glorifying God by seeing Annandale and our surrounds growing as disciples of Jesus by: 

  1. Growing Village in depth and numbers 
  2. Sending 2+ people per year into full time ministry 
  3. Strengthening God's kingdom beyond Village 

We're hungry, restless, and striving for growth. We rejoice in the growth of our church and the way that people are growing in their faith in Jesus. We want to see our church as a lifeboat as more people are rescued from darkness and grown as disciples of Jesus, all for the glory of God.  

This is a huge vision. A crazy, insurmountable, impossible vision. The kind of vision that you need God to turn up for if it’s ever going to become a reality! But that’s what puts fire in our bones. It takes money to do this; a vision like this needs resourcing, but we have a God who does the impossible. And trusting him, we’d love to share with you, how you can worship God, be spiritually enriched, increase your joy, and partner with us in growing God’s kingdom- all through the simple act of being generous with the money he has so graciously given you. 

How do I give?

As you become a member of Village Church and you consider how you can support Jesus’ work here, we’d love for you to fill in a Pledge Form, or give a one-off gift. Our members make an annual pledge each November, allowing the church leadership to make wise, informed planning decisions about our church’s financial future.

For giving to Church Operations

Name: Village Church Operations
BSB: 032-267
Account No: 449 559
Reference: “Your name” (not essential, but helpful- particularly if you make a pledge 

For giving to Village Church Christian Education Center Building Fund

Account Name: Village Church Christian Education Centre Building Fund
BSB: 062 102
Account Number: 1024 5642
Reference: “Your name” (Essential, if you are to be issued a receipt for tax deduction purposes