Anxiety, Resilience and Joy | Philippians 4:4-9 | Village Evenings | Dominic Steele | 11 April 2021
April 11, 2021
Rejoice, Not Anxious, Think | Philippians 4:4-91 Rejoice, Anxiety2 Rejoice in the Lord! 4:4-5a Rejoice 4:4b Gentleness evident 4:52 Do not be anxious 4:6-7a The lord is near 4:5bThe Lord is near.b Prayer and petitionc The peace of God 4:73 Think about these 4:8-9a Think about these 4:8b Put it into practice 4:9c God of peace will be with you 4:9b4 Rejoice, Anxious, Think and Act